
Sound of silver talk to me, Makes you want to feel like a teenager Until you remember the feelings of A real life emotional teenager Then you think again Sound of silver talk to me, Makes you want to feel like a teenager Until you remember the feelings of A real life emotional teenager Then you think again Sound of silver talk to me, Makes you want to feel like a teenager Until you remember the feelings of A real life emotional teenager Then you think again


Please read this first!

sooo.. i want to talk about things i like in general so i'll try and formulate my thoughts on a review page

however please take note that these reviews may be of varying quality and length

i'll use indicators of some form (haven't decided yet) to differenciate the:

  • coherent and/or competent
  • rambily (following but about good stuff)
  • rants (preceding but about bad stuff)
  • the youtube video adaptable
  • these reviews will be about mostly anything i enjoy and can form onions (opinons) on that fit into the categories given

    but don't expect a lot of games, i can fit the numbers of games i played on a single topster


    Late Of The Pier - Fantasy Black Channel (2008)

    god there is SO much i want to say about this album.

    the production, the forward-thinking musicality, the Jack Stauber-esque vocal performances, the sheer confidence, the kinda misogynistic lyrics looking back and the false(?) sense of superiority i inherited from this albums being super overlooked as well as the very true sense of community i found through it.

    god look at me rambling already, i genuinely might have at least a paragragh for every song as well as some lyric interpretations for some songs

    i am hyping myself and my writing abilities up a lot, but i am quite busy so expect this review to come out mid-september sometime


    Destine - Lightspeed (2010)

    now i'm gonna challenge myself a little bit with this one

    this is a fairly cheesy pop-punk album from the 2010's whose ONLY day in the sun was the opening track being in PES 2011

    i listened to it, i thought it was overall good, but some tracks were great! i think it's because my young brain at the time couldn't differ the track in PES 2011 from music from that one bakugan game on the psp and i then imposed some of that games' vibes onto the rest of the album

    but then the break down in 'California Summer' sounds EXACTLY like porter robinson's 2021 album 'nurture'. i was freaking out when i first heard it because:

  • the breakdown is actually quite long
  • porter robinson's 'nurture' is a heavily acclaimed album in it's own right
  • some of the ideas on i recognized from 'nurture' started showing up in more places on the album on subsequent listens (of songs, i've yet to relisten to the album in full)

    but yeah that's my thoughts of what i can remember from 'Lightspeed' overall i think you should check it out and listen to it for yourself because even though it's kinda an off-shoot of pop-punk in the year 2010 it still tries a lot of novel ideas out and expands out on some older ones that i think that folks with potential hindsight to this album and/or a bit of mid-thousands nostalgia (which is DEFINITELY found on neocities) can be appreciative of

    Gregory & The Hawk - Moenie And Kitchi (2008)

    alllllllllright i got a lot to say for this one. it's good things i promise.

    number one: actually we'll go track-by-track

    so, you be a good netizen and click on the odesli link above which i maintain. you click onto your prefered music delivery platform and start listening to the first song with (hopefully) intentions of listening to this record front to back and when it's done you add some songs to your playlist or whatever the spotify kids do nowadays.

    Oats We Sow

    it starts playing and the first thing you hear is a guitar that you think will belt out some math rock in the remaining 2 minutes and 55 seconds, but then it doesn't, instead the next thing you hear is a gentle voice with a singular bass note joining in the air motion. it's a voice that makes you instinctively listen to the incoming intricacies of the song and album.

    and you get those details soon, with some quite unorthodox drumming kicking in to drive the remainder of the track. the chorus comes quite quickly with some melodicas(?) humming in with her voice as well as the melody (makes sense)

    and i don't know if it's laziness, or lack of confidance in my writing ability, or a feeling of not spoiling this hidden gem but i don't want to talk about the album in SUCH detail anymore. i apologize for anyone i had egged on, i hope a spoiler-free listening of this album can satisfy your needs.

    i'll give you this though: i lied about math-rock-baiting guitar melody. it does in fact happen at the breakdown at the end of the song.

    ok so now the following part of the review is gonna be about me talking about memories n shit. strap in! or leave if you want

    stop reading now if you want to live

    so this album brings me back to a specific point in my life, 2022 and one particular moment in 2024 (futureproofing).

    it was my first year fully back at school in a nice ass-classroom. the classroom itself had a sick room in the back that was rarely open, the class as a whole was interested in it because weirdly my school doesn't have ANY doors in rooms beside the one used to enter/exit. it's very outdoors, to get from one room to another you always have step outside.

    when i put any songs from this album on i get taken back to very dark and overcast days of mostly being in that classroom under some warm-leaning fluoresent lights. as well as this one girl but... ain't no body got time for that.

    it does feel a bit weird how i didn't actually discover this album in 2022, i think it's because the actual album i discovered on an overcast afternoon after school with all the previously described experiences, was kanye west's graduation. but y'know tomato, tomato.

    when listening, now with some hindsight thinking back to 2022, i'm thinking back to that sick room because it felt like how this album now sounds to me. the few times it was unlocked me and a few other people would write on the brick walls with tippex because we knew it would stay there for a while. most wrote their instagram handles on the same wall on which the window sat as well, but i wrote where it was visible. and i remer the writing when i listen to the albumbuneufnuebfy

    but then also earlier in 2024 i rekindled my love for this album just a little bit when driving to literally the only place you can get PS3 games anymore. because also in that area is the only place you can buy old record from anymore! (some guy's basement (yeah not joking))

    so me and my dad went there for a quick in-and-out to look for some records. it ended up taking several hours and wanted to get back home to play my newly (old) aquired copy of Mirror's Edge for the PS3. we hit some traffic and started listening to this album and on subsequent trips, For Emma, Forever Ago (:<).

    ok so i'm gonna stop with this and i will later, in a different and hopefully better headspace, try to write a short review for this record and put it up top. i'm gonna try to salvage my evening, and my weekend, and my life for that matter. (you'll know why soon)

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